Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer 2010

To sum up the end of Sophie's summer, she had a great time hanging out with Mommy and going to parks and museums every day.  She also had fun over the weekends.  Twice, she went down to NY to see Grams, Gramps, cousin Naomi and Aunt Allison and Uncle Alan.  She has lots of fun going swimming and playing in the sandbox with her cousin.  Sophie also got to meet all of her Pittsburgh relatives and developed a wonderful friendship with her cousin Mara. 

Finally, Sophie also got to go to the MIT Robot Museum and the Worcester Ecotarium for the first time.  She also went to many new parks and farms and just had a wonderful time.

Now, Sophie is prepping to become a big sister.  Tomorrow, the big day comes and we will welcome new baby Penny into our home.  Sophie is super excited and has been asking us for weeks when will she come home. 

Please check out Sophie's pictures as blogger isn't letting me post pics in the blog right now.  :)

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