Wednesday, March 19, 2008

12 Month Check-Up

Sophie has her 12 month/1 year check-up today. Apparently, we are tall and skinny with a large head, just like Daddy!

Our stats were (approximately):
Height is 30.75 inches which has her between the 90th and 95th percentiles
Weight is 22 pounds, 1 ounce which has her between the 50th and 75th percentiles
Head is 47.9 cm which has her between the 95th and 100th percentiles

1 comment:

Rebecca :-) said...

I was interested to read your blog. As a parent you may be interested in being part of a university study I'm involved with. It’s about how infants and children develop. It wouldn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to contribute to knowledge by reporting on your own experiences. For more details go to the following address after copying it into your browser window, or go to and click on "Baby Sleep." Best wishes, Rebecca
PS- I like your black cat pictures. My family has a new little black kitten, and she is always getting into trouble! One day she even jumped on the stove!